- Reusing code (and Root Tags) saves programming time, which reduces costs.
- Sharing code (and Root Tags) can help prevent bugs, basically the more code a system contains (to process multiple Root Tags) the more bugs it's likely to have.
- Separating code into common libraries lets programmers specialize in their particular strengths.
Ok, time for me to get off the high horse. Just because our latest ERP project had some poor design work done on their EDI gateway, doesn't mean I need to complain about it. Besides this is a site for posting solutions, so here is my latest. The following script does one thing and only one thing very well. It will take an XML document and give it a new Root Tag, both start and finish.
The script is written in vbScript and it will add a common Root Tag to every XML file it finds in the input directory. Command Line is simple and is easy to script.
Enjoy and feel free to comment.
The script is written in vbScript and it will add a common Root Tag to every XML file it finds in the input directory. Command Line is simple and is easy to script.
Enjoy and feel free to comment.
option explicit
Private strRootDir
Private strLoadDir
Private strOutputDir
Private strArchiveDir
Private objFSO
Private myStr
call Main()
sub Main
if (LoadParams) then
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if (not objFSO.FolderExists(strLoadDir)) then objFSO.CreateFolder(strLoadDir)
if (not objFSO.FolderExists(strArchiveDir)) then objFSO.CreateFolder(strArchiveDir)
call ProcessFiles
end if
end sub
private sub DisplayUsage
WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript.exe Add_Root.vbs <RootDir> <OutputDir>"
WScript.Echo "Example: cscript.exe Add_Root.vbs C:\Users\Stephen\test\Load C:\Users\Stephen\test\Archive"
WScript.Echo "Example: cscript.exe Add_Root.vbs C:\Users\Stephen\HDTestInvoices\input C:\Users\Stephen\HDTestInvoices\output"
End sub
private function LoadParams
dim blnResult
if (WScript.Arguments.Count = 2) then
strRootDir = WScript.Arguments(0)
strOutputDir = WScript.Arguments(1)
if (right(strRootDir, 1) <> "\") then strRootDir = strRootDir & "\"
if (right(strOutputDir, 1) <> "\") then strOutputDir = strOutputDir & "\"
strLoadDir = strRootDir
strArchiveDir = strOutputDir
blnResult = true
blnResult = false
end if
LoadParams = blnResult
end function
private sub ProcessFiles
dim objSource
dim strExt
for each objSource in objFSO.GetFolder(strLoadDir).Files
strExt = ucase(mid(objSource.Name, InStr(objSource.Name, ".") + 1))
if (strExt = "XML") then
call ProcessFile(objSource)
objSource.Move strArchiveDir
end if
end Sub
Private sub ProcessFile(objSource)
dim objFile
dim strLine
dim arrFields
Dim intIndex
Dim blnIsHeader
Dim strTranID, strToMail
Dim detTranID
Dim s1
Dim strWorking
strWorking = strLoadDir & objSource.Name
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strWorking,1)
while (not objFile.AtEndOfStream)
strLine = objFile.ReadLine
If ((Len(strLine) > 1) and (strLine = "<?xml version=" & """1.0""" & " ?>")) Then
strToMail = strLine & "<EDIDOC>"
WScript.Echo strLine
strToMail = strToMail & strLine
WScript.Echo strLine
End If
strLine = "</EDIDOC>"
WScript.Echo strLine
strToMail = strToMail & strLine
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strWorking,2)
end Sub
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